Federal Budget: Hunter 2023
The Committee provides the Federal Government a list of priorities that will harness the full extent of the Hunter’s opportunity, add strength to both the state and national economy, and pave the path for national priorities to be achieved.
Incoming NSW Government
The Committee presents a set of advocacy priorities to an incoming State Government for focus over the next term. These initiatives have been identified through significant consultation, evidence, and expert advice.
One dollar spent in the Hunter will deliver more benefits, quicker and at scale than any other place in NSW.
The Committee welcomes the invitation to help shape the Hunter’s future through commenting on the Six Cities: Discussion Paper. And we stand ready to partner with Government to make these reforms work and deliver the ambitious vision for the Six Cities Region.
November 2022
Transport is a priority for the Hunter and key area of focus of the Committee. Committee for the Hunter has formally submitted feedback to Transport for NSW on their recently released Draft Hunter regional transport plan, click through to see how we’ve represented the regions interest in regards to transport.
November 2022
Register your interest for membership
Fill out the form below and the Committee will be in contact.